Welcome to The Nontraditional Pharmacist

Hello pharmacy friends!  Thank you for taking time to visit our site, we strive to provide you with only valuable content.


Take some time now to check out our blog posts and see how The Nontraditional Pharmacist can serve as a resource to help you navigate through your pharmacy career.

We are very excited to watch this community grow, but we can only do it with YOUR help!  If you are a pharmacist in a nontraditional role (or know of a pharmacist in a nontraditional role), please contact us so that we can share your message with others and possibly feature you on our site!

We really want to engage with you, so please do not hesitate to send us any comments, questions, or suggestions that you may have!

4 thoughts on “Welcome to The Nontraditional Pharmacist”

  1. Dr. Edith Livinus

    Thank you all for coming up with this new role for pharmacist. It is going to be great. I am one of the concerned pharmacist. What is going on in the field of pharmacy is really very disgraceful. As a retail pharmacist working for big chain, they use you as a slave, cashier, technician, and name it. You have no choice but to continue to work for them.
    Meanwhile, you try to get job in the hospital, you could not because you’ve been working in the community pharmacy for a long time therefore you have no hospital experience. You try to apply for residency but you could not because you are not a new graduate.
    Furthermore, you try to open your own independent pharmacy, they will not let you practice, you will face the worst low reimbursement ever. I need your help. Thanks
    Atlanta, GA

    1. Thank you for your message. We certainly understand the complications pharmacists face today. Fortunately, there are many career options for pharmacists, with more developing every day. Look out for an email from us, we are going to do what we can to help you hit your goals!

      The Nontraditional Pharmacist team

      1. I have been a pharmacist in retail and PBM setting for 25+ years. I have lot of expertise in clinical field. Now I would like to pursue some non clinical options for my career if any one can give suggestions

      2. I’m the same boat as Dr. Edith! Retail pharmacy is such a waste of knowledge and skills. I would love to have some insight.

        St. Petersburg, FL

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