Automation is coming. Are you ready?

Take a minute to watch the video above (particularly starting at 9:08)


After watching this video a few times, we started thinking about how automation is changing the role of the pharmacist, and how it will continue to change it in the future.


We already see the physical side of dispensing in community and hospital pharmacies changing with automated dispensing devices.  Now it’s not unreasonable to start thinking about how mechanical minds will impact the clinical decision making aspect of a pharmacist’s job (it’s already happening).


Of course, no machine can replace the human element of patient care, but there are already a number of technological advances partnering with clinicians.  We need to be mindful of these changes and make sure we adapt to and consider growing areas of pharmacy, particularly with informatics and specialized medicine. These emerging roles will provide opportunities for pharmacists to differentiate themselves in a field where automation will likely control many of the traditional responsibilities.


Rapid technology advancement is changing the world and pharmacy is no exception.  This is a good thing as long as we embrace these changes.


Are you ready for the future? Share your thoughts about automation in pharmacy below.

2 thoughts on “Automation is coming. Are you ready?”

  1. We need to actually confront this issue and not ignore automation, because it isn’t going away, which I think is basically the point of the video. The thing is, I would like to get into informatics, but the problem is when you look at something like EPIC, the info I found says you have to be employed by someone who sends you to the EPIC headquarters for training. Well, what if I’m trying to get into the field, what do i do? Also, even if there’s informatics residencies out there, how many are there? I mean, it’s like to get training in a field, you have to be already employed in it, or employed somewhere that wants you to get training to work in that field. How do you get in? Are there any other ways to get into informatics for someone who does not currently work in a hospital? i did retail for a few years, then started working in compounding, and I can’t see a way to get into informatics. I would appreciate any advice on this matter, Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment John. One way to get into pharmacy informatics would be to take a job in a relevant company that is unrelated to the practice of pharmacy. For example, a sales job in a health IT company can give you the necessary exposure and experience needed to combine with your pharmacy training to prepare you for a career in pharmacy informatics.

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